Wednesday, January 28, 2009

End of First Semester :D

I successfully passed all my classes of my first semester of my SENIOR YEAR!
I passed cisco, the hardest class I have, with a B- and that was my lowest grade.
I am very happy and am hoping to do better this semester.
Stress has kicked in but I am surviving and that is all i can ask for.
We have 12 more practices until competition and it is crazy!!!!
[Pray for us, we're going to need it!]

Count Down:
23 days until Cheer Competition
20 days until Basketball Europeans [go K-luv!]
66 days until spring break
129 days until '09 graduation!

Class of '09
Go Raiders!

<3 Stephani

Monday, January 19, 2009

Back in Germany. . . life continues

It's been a week since I returned to Germany from the sunshine of Arizona.
I have my permit and and finishing up my application for ASU where I hope to be
going this fall or next January.
The sooner the better I think but I will have to see how it all falls into place.

While I was in Arizona, I met the coolest people I think I will ever meet.
Among them, there was Bryton and Grant.
Grant is just hilarious and Bryton, well he's my new best friend ;)


Since I've been back, life has a new light.
It's a whole lot more pleasurable and I can say smiles are not rare.
I've even had fun without the sun.
Snow became plentiful and I tried to make the best of it while i was locked out of my house
I almost froze but it was kind of cool.

My life is moving and I am too.
here I go with it. . .