Monday, January 11, 2010

it's been awhile... ok, over 6 months.

so today i got a thought. REASONS TO BLOG....

There is the 1. to keep people informed and keep me from going insane. (it's a nice way to vent). then there is 2. something funny/worth telling happens and you just HAVE to let someone know. even if not many people read the blog. on day it will make someone happy. next, 3. you physically can't talk to communicate. this morning i went to the dentist and got a painful stabbing in my mouth at least SIX times. needless to say i'm numb more than i should have been. i can barely control my right eye. haha. it is kind of funny. anyways. the point is. i can't talk. there are a lot of reasons to blog but i also started thinking (sorry i just can't stop thinking, i'm STEPHANI).... why HAVEN'T i been blogging?
OH YEA! i'm not a broke college kid trying to survive and every spare minute was spent eating, catching up on my lost sleep, relaxing with friends or at church. it was worth it but i realized i miss blogging too. so here i am. i could be doing more but i have reasons for not doing it too.
cleaning the kitchen: i'm hungry and can't eat because i might eat my tongue instead. so i might as well not clean because it's too tempting. cleaning anything else would be almost crazy because i might just make it worse :) -fyi. i just bit my lip-
eating: I can't because i will eat my tongue instead. it will hurt after i can feel my face again. the end.
reading: i like reading but the book i'm reading i have already read half of it. but i started from the beginning again so it's boring until i will get to where i left off. and it's taking me FOREVER because yes. it's not the fun to reread things. movies yes, you can watch them again and again and they may or may not ever get old but reading books are like, you need something new. end of that story
ok. i'm done. i don't need to explain more. one last thing i found worth noting is things you don't want to hear while you are dozing in and out in a dentist's chair.
here is a few that i heard that you may never want to hear for yourself.
1. "wow, she has a LOT of tissue."
2. "....well, she's young!"
3. "look at this. it's intact! i've never actually done one and it still be intact"

now you have to trust me, you don't want to hear dentists (a black lady and her assistant) plan a white history month. they plan foods and talk about trips to france, england and whales. and then they end it with, "i'm sorry we are talking about food with us drilling you. that's not nice. you must be hungry..." (honestly WHY would i be hungry when i was stabbed in the mouth several times, that alone made me lose my appetite) I think you should stop talking to me and just do your job.

I'm gone for now, cooping with my face and lack of feeling.

<3 Stephani